JYJ 演出取消, 連韓國形象都下墜? 海外飯們 "拒買韓國製品"


[NATE 演藝] KBS 將 JYJ 的演出再次突然取消, 餘波正擴散著, 特別是海外粉絲們對於韓國的形象, 還有國營電視台, 濟州島的責備, 讓國內粉絲非常擔憂

KBS 將在20日下午5點開始舉辦的 '七代景觀祈願韓國放送特輯五願直播' 中, 團體 JYJ 的演出突然被取消了, 而且 JYJ 的位子, 確定將由 JYJ 成員金在中, 朴有天, 金俊秀的前所屬公司SM娛樂旗下女團來參演, 更加引起議論, 據 JYJ 的所屬公司所說, KBS 關於這次的演出取消, 並沒有說明明確的理由

之前五月的時候, KBS以藝能局的名義, 舉 JYJ 跟 SM 之間的訴訟作為理由, 在觀眾留言板上表明拒絕他們演出的立場, 現在因為這次的事件又再度登上了砧板

在那當中 JYJ 的海外粉絲們透過國內一些入口網站PO的文章, 在網路上引起了話題, 他們的文章大部分表示著因為 JYJ 而愛上韓國, 但因為這次的事件感到很失望等意見

一位埃及粉絲PO了這樣的文 "因為 JYJ 愛上了韓國, 連買電子製品也買韓國的, 現在我只愛 JYJ 不愛韓國了, 對於 JYJ 因為巨大權力而遭受到的不公正行為, 我氣到快瘋掉" 他發洩了憤恨, 另外一位以澳洲粉絲自豪的網友也說 "成為 JYJ 粉絲的時候, 對於韓國了解了很多, 也體會到其魅力, 但是因為這次的事件, 全世界的粉絲們對於韓國演藝事業的無條理及弊端感到憂慮及憤怒, 我不會買韓國製品的"

除此之外, 一些國家的粉絲們也指責這次的事件, 透過 "本來已經計畫要去濟州島度假了, 現在絕對不會去" , "韓國形象到底值多少啊?" 等有點激烈內容的文章, 表明自身的意見, 看著這些文章的國內網友及 JYJ 的國內粉絲, 他們的擔憂是相等的

接觸到海外粉絲們文章的網友表示 "很丟臉, 我對 JYJ 並不關心, 也不特別喜歡, 但是看到這些文章, 感到非常丟臉" , "所謂的國營電視台KBS, 讓國家形象下墜了" , "韓流是擔任文化外交官的角色, (後面太難了讓我去問一下)" 這些羞愧的意見佔了多數

國內粉絲也同樣吧, 一位國內粉絲說 "海外飯們因為喜歡 JYJ 所以愛上韓國, 我擔憂一不小心也會因為 JYJ 而變得討厭韓國, 對於海外飯我沒辦法勸解, 只希望他們不要討厭韓國的所有事物" , 另外一位國內粉絲則吐露 "海外飯們對於國內情況通通都知道, 現在海外飯們已經將為了要看 JYJ 演出而預訂的機票跟住宿都取消了, 我們不只是丟了外匯, 還丟臉丟出國去"

結果因為這次的事件, KBS不只是使自己公司的形象跌落, 也算貶低了海外粉絲們對於韓國的印象, 對於這次的事件, KBS 謹慎言詞 "演出人員的交涉是製作單位的固有權限, 我們計畫在20日放送結束後發表官方立場"




早上我看到一篇西班牙飯寫的, 他們已經有人飛去濟州島了=.=" (慘...)


[Olivia Hernndez] Let JYJ appear on TV

JYJ became honorary ambassadors for Jeju Island as part of its bid to become one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. JYJ started activities to promote the island and encouraged us, the fans, to vote for Jeju.

As we love JYJ so much, and we also like Korea from the bottom of our hearts, we started voting for Jeju Island in order to help Korea and make JYJ happy. We did this believing and trusting in JYJ because we know that the boys are always more than happy to help others. Spreading the love for Jeju Island was something that they did from their hearts.

We are a group of fans from Spain that truly love and follow all JYJ’s activities. Because of them we have learnt to love Korea and its wonderful people. We don’t understand how it is possible that, just four days before their appearance on the KBS special program, they have received a notification of cancellation.

We can’t just sit and wait anymore. This situation needs to stop. JYJ have been messed around once again. They have given their all, and this is what they get in return. They are not puppets, they are human beings, they are artists. And we, the fans, are also human beings, we have been teased as well.

There are two girls from Spain that were supposed to travel to Jeju Island to see JYJ performing live and give them support. Now they have just lost their dream. There were also lots of fans travelling from Japan as well. Does anybody from KBS care about this? We feel very disappointed. JYJ doesn’t deserve this kind of disrespectful treatment, neither do we the fans. We are complaining about being used this way, we feel cheated. It’s not right to use JYJ, or any other artist, to get what you need from them, and then just cast them aside.

Please, show to the world that South Korea is a great nation and let JYJ appear on TV. Stop blocking them! This shouldn’t even happen.

By Olivia Hernndez

Olivia Hernndez is a JYJ fan in Spain. A woman in her 30s, she works for a travel agency. She has been to Korea three times and JYJ concerts five times. ― Ed.


我的OS :

1. 韓國人是要經過幾次才會了解, 有關於三個人或五個人的事情, 是全球關注的? 我以為南韓比北韓更有人權結果是相反...

2. KBS也許可以再編出一個冠冕堂皇的理由, 但是一件事情發生很多次之後, 那個理由聽起來再正當也沒有用了

比如說 : 每次收團購單, 通常都會有人先舉手後來又跟我說 "凱希啊, 我之前訂的那個不用了, 剛好有朋友去韓國玩, 買來送我了, 我也不知道他會送我所以之前才舉手的, 造成你的麻煩不好意思ㄋㄟ"   <--- 通常還會加個笑臉表示自己的無辜跟天真

拜託這理由不要再用了大家!!! 聽到五次以上我真的很煩, 我也想要有那種朋友, 請務必介紹給我!!!




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