Official Statement of the International Consumers of the Korean Wave regarding KBS Jeju’s Public Deception
We, Taiwan Fans of JYJ and our allies listed below, hereby condemn the actions of the Korea Broadcasting Systems (hereafter “KBS”) for its deplorable breaking of public trust with regards to the unjustified cancellation of JYJ’s public television appearance in connection with the New 7 Wonders of the Natural World promotional campaign for Jeju Island. It is disappointing that we are compelled for the second time this year to internationally shame KBS for its anti-democratic actions that are contrary to the values of our community.
KBS’ deception, extortion, theft and collusion with external forces come at the expense of international consumers of the Korean Wave, many of whom are suffering prejudicial financial damages as a result of KBS’ unlawful and unilateral decision. However, the greatest damage perpetrated by KBS has been on the international image of Korea and against the people of Jeju Island. Due to the failure of the relevant South Korean authorities to reform the status quo of the Korean pop cultural contents industry, Korean and international citizens alike are witnessing an intolerable scenario: the betrayal on the part of a nationally-owned media institution against its own people, nation and public for the sake of corrupt, private interests. At this rate, the Korean Wave is in danger of becoming a target of criticism by the international press and an exemplary case study of what not to do in the area of cultural development.
We therefore recognise that this incident is much bigger than simply JYJ. It has already damaged popular international confidence in the Republic of Korea as a sovereign democracy governed by the rule of law for the protection of her citizens. We call on the Government of the Republic of Korea—in particular the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports and the Korea Fair Trade Commission—to make the Korean cultural contents industry the next frontier for democratisation and Korea’s anti-corruption agenda.
This statement is also endorsed by:
韓流國際消費者對於 KBS 本次濟州島宣傳活動詐欺公眾行為之官方聲明
我們,JYJ 的台灣粉絲,以及下列我們同盟歌迷夥伴,在此譴責 KBS 不公地取消 JYJ在爭取濟州島加入「世界新七景」宣傳活動中的電視表演活動。此一舉動背棄了大眾對 KBS 的信任。令人失望的是,這是本年度第二次, KBS 以此種和我們社會價值背道而馳、違背民主的舉動,成為國際之恥。
KBS 的詐欺行為、以及與 SM 娛樂的共謀勾結消耗了「韓流」的國際消費者(歌迷群),並且使許多歌迷因 KBS 本次不正當並且單方面的決定蒙受經濟損失。然而,最嚴重的是對韓國的國際形象的破壞、以及對濟州島居民的傷害。由於南韓政府當局未能改革當前流行文化工業的現況,韓國人民以及國際歌迷們同樣地目睹了令人難以忍受的場面:國有媒體機構因腐敗及其私利,背叛了社會大眾。也因此,「韓流」承受國際壓力、成了被批判的對象、並且被當成文化發展中「不可為」的負面教材。
我們因此認為本次事件之影響遠超過對 JYJ 團體的衝擊。本次事件重挫國際歌迷對於大韓民國身為一個主權民主國家、應該依法保障其人民之信心。我們因此呼籲韓國政府當局──尤其是文化部、觀光部、體育部以及公平交易委員會──讓韓國的文化產業成為下一個真正民主、平等的領域,並且成為韓國下一個反貪腐之歷程。
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